Lesbian archive

Since 2008 we have been documenting the oral history of middle-aged and older lesbians who speak about the period before and after the regime change in 1989. With the help of Erste Foundation we have translated the published Hungarian interviews ("Eltitkolt évek") into English, with the aim of making these life stories accessible internationally in our online archive.

The translation of 16 interviews is part of setting up and maintaining an online archive with primary documents, articles and photos relating to Hungarian lesbian herstory.

The manifold purposes of the project include sharing information and knowledge, building bridges, as well as affirming, acknowledging, appreciating, and disseminating the experiences and narratives of this particular generation. We hope to contribute to visibility and international cooperation with other herstory archives. Our aim is to set up and maintain a freely accessible online archive for that purpose, as we think that is the best way to make the materials available for the broadest audience.

Erste Foundation application material

Erste Foundation contract

