A Fairytale for Everyone



The stories in this volume are rewritten versions of well-known fairy tales with heroes who belong to a stigmatised or minority group. The collection includes stories by nine well-known Hungarian authors and eight new authors, and aming the stories there are Roma Little Panna, gay Cinderella, dragon-slaying waitress, three-eared rabbit, child heroes from extreme poverty, abusive families and adopted children. Fresh fairy-tale transcriptions by seventeen contemporary authors will also appeal to those who find it harder to find their place in the world. They reaffirm that, although we are not all the same and we all take different paths, when we arrive, the door is open to us all.
The book can be ordered from Labrisz and also is available at the Writers' Bookstore, Massolit Bookshop, Pagony Bookshops, Atlantis Book Island, Animula Bookshop, Láng Téka Bookshop, and can also be ordered online at lira.hu, Book24.hu, libri.hu, bookline.hu and alexandra.hu.
The book is also available and can be ordered as an e-book.
"Man is a magical divine creature, endowed with a multitude of rainbow colours and the responsibility of freedom. Our most important task is to learn to accept each other. It cannot be practiced early enough. That's what fairy tales are for, for children and adults."
(Kriszta Bódis, writer, psychologist, documentary filmmaker)
"This storybook has a place in every child's room where it is important to understand the diversity of the world, where there are no taboos around children, and where parents enter knowing that through their child they can shape not only the future, but also the present."
(Szilvia Gyurkó, expert on children's rights)
Project coordinator: Dorottya Rédai
Editor in charge: Boldizsár Nagy
Illustrations: Lilla Bölecz
Copy Editor: Anna Borgos
Technical Editor: Gábor Kardos
Pedagogical Expert: Noémi Lőrincz
Foreword (Boldizsár Nagy)
Krisztina Rita Molnár: Ruby Red Bird
Eszter Gangl: Leavesbrown
István Lakatos: The Tale of the Witch
Judit Tóth B.: The Ice King
Andrea Tompa: Iron Leslie
Dóra Gimesi: Margaret the Giant Slayer
Edit Szűcs: The antlers of the deer
Edit Pengő: The Kidnapped Princess
Judit Ágnes Kiss: Róza at the ball
Noémi Rebeka Horváth: The Great Adventure of Panna the Peasant
Sára Harka: Kincső and Karola
Kriszta Kasza: Trivadar, the three-eared rabbit
Edina Kertész: The straw that goes round and round
Orsolya Ruff: The Great Alfredo
Brigitta Kovács: Be lucky, Batbaján!
Petra Finy: Panna goes to live
Zoltán Csehy: The prince is getting married
The following downloadable activity plans for the stories have been created by members of the Human Rights Educators Network (EJHA) for primary school teachers.
Dorottya Rédai was selected by TIME Magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in 2021:
Foreign editions:
Speech by writer Andrea Tompa at the European Parliament at the launch of the 10 foreign editions of A Fairytale for Everyone:

