Nemzetközi szolidaritási akció a magyar civilekkel

A mai napon több mint hatvan nemzetközi szervezet egységes közleményben fejezte ki tiltakozását a magyar civil szervezeteket ért támadás ellen.

Stop Targeting Hungarian NGOs!

Since its re-election, the Hungarian government launched a campaign attacking the credibility of Hungarian NGOs and are striving to gain controlling power over their funding distributed independently from the government. We believe that a dynamic and independent civil society plays a fundamental role in a democratic society, as it is one of the key checks and balances to governing power.As demonstrated by Putin’s Russia, the harassment of the civil sector could easily lead to the criminalization of NGOs and could effectively hinder their work. We stand in solidarity with the Hungarian NGOs and call on the Hungarian and all other governments to refrain from harassing civil society!

A csarlakozó szervezetek:

1.     ALEG: Association for Gender Liberty and Equality (Romania)

2.     American Civil Liberties Union (US)

3.     Association for emancipation, solidarity and equality of women of RM – ESE (Macedonia)

4.     ASTRA  Federation for Women and Family Planning / ASTRA Secretariat (Poland/CEE-region)

5.    Avocat à la Cour

6.    Bill Walsh (human rights lawyer and participant of the International Religious Freedom Roundtable)

7.     Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (Bulgaria)

8.     Central and Eastern European Women’s Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Health (ASTRA)

9.     Centre for Philanthropy

10.  Centre Women and Modern World (Azerbaijan)

11.  Centro Italiano Opere Femminili Salesiane - Formazione Professionale (Italy)

12.  Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights

13.  European Foundation Centre

14.  European Schoolhead Association

15.  European Women's Lobby

16.  EWL: European Women’s Lobby

17.  Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (Lithuania)

18.  FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights / Fédération Internationale des Ligues des Droits de l'Homme)

19.  GERT: Gender Education, Research and Technologies (Bulgaria)

20.  Global Voices Online

21.  GONG (Croatia)

22.  Government Accountability Project (US)

23.  HERA: Association for Health Education and Research (Georgia)

24.  Human Rights Monitoring Institute (Lithuania)

25.  Human Rights Watch

26.  ILGA Europe

27.  Iniciatíva inakost' (Slovakia LGBT)

28.  Irish Council for Civil Liberties

29.  Carpathian Foundation (Slovakia)

30.  Kenya Human Rights Commission

31.  Latvia's Association for Family Planning and Sexual Health (Latvia)


33.  Liberty (UK)

34.  Ljubljana Pride (Slovenia)

35.  MEDEL (Magistrats européens pour la démocratie et les libertés)

36.  Nadacia Ekopolis (Slovakia)

37. (Poland) (közlemény linkelve)

38.  Open Data Albania

39.  Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres - PpDM (Portugal)

40.  Poderopedia (Chile)

41.  Prague Pride (Czech Republic)

42.  Public Concern at work (UK)

43.  Queer Leaders Forum (Slovakia LGBT)

44.  Real People Real Vision (Georgia)

45.  Society Without Violence (Armenia)

46.  Sunlight Foundation (US)

47.  The International Campaign for Women's Right to Safe Abortion

48.  Transparency International Croatia

49.  Transparency International Germany

50.  Transparency International Greece

51.  Transparency International Latvia

52.  Transparency International Secretariat

53.  Transparency International Slovenia

54.  Transparency International UK

55.  Transparency International Portugal

56.  Transparency International Finland


58.  Union Women Center (Georgia)

59.  VAWE Network: Women Against Violence Europe (közlemény linkelve)


61.  Whistleblowing International Network

62.  Women's Rights Center (Armenia)

63.  Zagreb Pride (Croatia)

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